Music: The Brain's Workout

Music: More Than Just Entertainment – It's a Brain Booster!

Beyond pure enjoyment, music has some astounding effects on our brains. If you’ve been considering music lessons for yourself or your child, you might be surprised by the wide range of cognitive benefits involved. Let's dive into why music makes our minds tick (pun intended!).

Music Training Shapes the Brain

Did you know that practicing music can physically change the structure of your brain? Studies show that musicians have:

  • Enhanced connections: Improved communication between areas of the brain that involve auditory processing, motor skills, and cognitive function.

  • Larger brain areas: More developed regions associated with processing sounds, playing instruments, and thinking creatively.

Beyond the Notes: Music Improves…

  • Memory: Learning music exercises both recall and the ability to store new information in the brain's auditory and verbal areas.

  • Language Skills: Musical training strengthens the areas of the brain that process language, improving reading, comprehension, and communication skills.

  • Attention: Focusing on rhythm, scales, and lyrics fosters powerful concentration and the ability to filter distractions.

  • Problem Solving: Practicing music encourages creative thinking, making connections between ideas, and overcoming challenges.

It's Never Too Late!

While we often praise the brain boost music offers children, adults gain, too! Learning an instrument or taking voice lessons can combat age-related brain decline and keep your mind sharp as you get older.

More Than the Brain

Music's impact doesn't stop at our minds. It has a ripple effect that includes:

  • Social connection: Participating in bands, choirs, or jam sessions creates friendships and bonds people together.

  • Mood & wellbeing: Music soothes anxiety, fosters creativity, and gives us an outlet for self-expression.

Leaside Music School is Here to Help

Are you feeling inspired to reap the brain-boosting benefits of music? Whether you're a curious child or an adult seeking new challenges, Leaside Music School is ready to start your musical journey! From expert private lessons to fun group classes, we'll cater to your unique goals and interests.

Contact us at: 416 483 9117 or using the contact form at the bottom of our website

Unlock the power of music and change your brain – let's start playing!


A Music School for Beginners: Leaside Music School


Private Music Lessons at Leaside Music School in Toronto (2024)